We are teaching a course over the summer that we believe will help you differentiate your portfolio over all others! No other design programs in San Diego offer course work in EGD. Having EGD projects in your portfolio opens up many more employment opportunities for students. We will introduce you to the basics of designing for the built environment including field trips to fabrication companies, expert guest lecturers and a comprehensive, portfolio ready signage package project.
Sign-up early, it will fill quickly and we want our best students included.
What is Environmental Graphic Design?
Environmental Graphic Design embraces many design disciplines including graphic, architectural, interior, landscape, and industrial design, all concerned with the visual aspects of wayfinding, communicating identity and information, and shaping the idea of place.
Some common examples of work by EGD practitioners include wayfinding systems, architectural graphics, signage, exhibit design, identity graphics, dynamic environments, civic design, pictogram design, retail and store design, mapping, and themed environments.
ARTG 149 • Studio Practices • 3.0 Units
54605 MWTh 5:50-10:00 pm City/T310 06-22 to 08-16
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
AIGA LINK Art Show-Soak it up
Dear Friends,
The LINK students have had a creative year and I would like to invite you their Art Show at ART's on Feb. 20, 2010 at 6:00-8:00. If you can't stop by to check out their work, please help out by forwarding this e-mail to all your friends, post it on your FB or Twitter. Last year's art show was at Ray at Night so we had the foot traffic, the new location depends your help to get the word out.
This is my third year as the AIGA San Diego LINK director and I am thankful to have an opportunity to give back to the community. LINK reaches out to at risk youth and I believe all of today's youths are at-risk of losing art with all the budget cuts. The LINK program provides free art workshops for 14-19 year old students with an interest in pursuing a career in graphic design, photography and art.
LINK's most recent success story..... last summer I took a few students to San Fransisco for the day to see Academy of Art. Two of our students signed up for their summer three week high school program. LINK provided a scholarship to pay for their housing, tuition and meals. I received a call last week and one of the students and told me that he just started classes at Academy of Art. He mentioned that his involvement in the LINK program has made a positive impact on his life. Know that's the good stuff!
A special thanks to Candice Lopez for having the vision over 11 years ago to start LINK, Tony Battaito for his continuous support, the mentors that keep coming back to help make it happen and David Combs, the art show curator (he has been working hard). Oh, yeah and the Coyne Foundation for the funding.
Hope to see you there,
Sondra Lagnado
AIGA Link Director