Monday, October 29, 2012

Deborah Sussman at Art Center

Deborah Sussman: "to be"

Thursday Nov. 1 at 7pm
Art Center College of Design Los Angeles Times Media Center
1700 Lida Street, Pasadena, CA

Deborah Sussman pioneered the field called “Environmental Graphic Design.” Her contributions to “urban branding” have been internationally applauded, and have influenced generations of designers. Come learn more from Deborah’s experience and wisdom during this fascinating presentation.
A pioneer in environmental graphic design, Deborah was trained at the office of Charles and Ray Eames. She founded Sussman Prejza, whose celebrated “urban branding” projects include city identities, cultural and performing arts centers, retail, corporate and university campuses and US embassies.
Sussman Prejza developed the look of the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Other clients include Disney, Hasbro, Museum of the African Diaspora, Amgen, and SC Johnson. Honors include: Dr. of Humane Letters, Bard College; Medalist, AIGA; founder and Fellow, Los Angeles Chapter; Honorary member, AIA; Fellow and recipient of SEGD Golden Arrow Award; elected member of AGI.
This event is free and open to the community. It is hosted in Michael Dooley’s History of Graphic Design course.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Julie Warren's Digital Media Online Honored

Julie Warren's  Digital Media, was recognized as an outstanding online course.

Dr. David Giberson, Instructional Design Coordinator, Julie Warren and Rechelle Mojica, Online Faculty Mentor, Miramar sharing information at the Faculty Online Showcase and High Tech Center Open House.

A big shout out to Julie Warren who was the first graphic design faculty member to teach online. This trailblazer was recently recognized for the outstanding graphic design/digital media course she has crafted. On Friday, October 19, Miramar College hosted the SDCCD Faculty Online Showcase in the new High Tech Center inside the LLRC.Dean Andrea Henne, online faculty mentors, Instructional Design Coordinator, Dr. Dave Giberson and his staff welcomed faculty members from City, Mesa and Miramar colleges. Recognition was given to outstanding online courses as nominated by faculty and students.Representing San Diego City College Graphic Design program was Julie Warren who was honored for her online Digital Media Class, ARTG 125."I'd like to thank my students who nominated my course, the online faculty and staff who are always so supportive, and the other Showcase participants who shared their knowledge so generously." Warren said.
"I am proud to represent City's Graphic Design program where we have the very best students and faculty," she added.

San Diego City College Ranks #1

San Diego City College is ranked #1 for 2011-2012 in the Top 25 Highest Rated Junior Colleges in the country at Rate My Professors, the largest online professor ratings site. Professors ratings at SDCC average at 3.92, the highest in the nation with the highest rated university by students being Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

AIGA San Diego City College Fall Workshops

Thanks to Norman Ramos and Sean Bacon for the Tips and Techniques Workshop

Tuesday, October 9th from 5pm-8pm Paper 101: Matthew Donahue from SAPPI Fine Papers at Point Loma Nazarene College.

Friday, October 26th Studio Conover at 3131 Reynard Way followed by MiresBall at 2605 State Street:  12:15-1:45pm

November 9th : Digitaria Studio Tour:  12:15-1:30pm
350 Tenth Avenue. Suite 1200. Downtown San Diego

Friday November 30:  Multimedia and App. design: Ron Padua in 1:00-2:30pm in V403A

Wednesday December 5: 5-7pm. Quality Letterpress
Monday December 10 at 10am: Book Arts Workshop with Andrea Singer: Materials Fee: $20